Alexandra Heÿn advises companies in all areas of IP law. Her particular focus is on copyright and publishing law (including the law of collecting societies) as well as competition, trademark and design law. Her main areas of practice include advice in connection with license agreements and litigation, in particular in preliminary injunction proceedings. A further focus of her work is the development of comprehensive trademark strategies. This includes support in national and international application, opposition and other official proceedings, defense and portfolio management.
Alexandra Heÿn studied law at the University of Passau and music (majoring in harp) at the Conservatoire de Région de Nice and the Mozarteum Salzburg. She has been working as a lawyer since 2003 and specializes in copyright and media law. Before founding AMPERSAND in 2012 with Hosea Haag and two other partners, she worked in a major international law firm and was a partner in an IP boutique.
Comment on BayOblG, decision of 08.05.2024 - 204 StRR 452/23 - Söder graffiti covered by artistic freedom
GRUR-Prax 2024, 436
On the copyright protection of works of applied art - The Birkenstock classic models on the test bench before the Higher Regional Court of Cologne (also discussion of OLG Cologne, 26.01.2024 - 6 U 89/23)
WRP 2024, 669
Comment on Regional Court Cologne, judgment of 23.02.2023 - 14 O 39/22 - Birkenstock classic models protected by copyright
GRUR-Prax 2023, 369
Comment on Regional Court Erfurt, order for reference of 31.03.2022 -3 O 834/21 - Do broadcasting companies have a claim to the blank media levy?
GRUR-Prax 2022, 583
Comment on OLG Hamburg, judgment of 04.03.2021 - 5 U 81/15 - Calculation of license damages according to remuneration rates customary in the industry
GRUR-Prax 2021, 319
Comment on BGH, judgment of 29.09.2020 - VI ZR 449/19 - Permissible illustration of a wanted advertisement by a newspaper?
GRUR-Prax 2020, 594
Comment on ECJ, judgment of 04.10.2018 - T-345/16 - Opposition proceedings on the basis of unregistered trademark rights
GRUR-Prax 2018, 522
Comment on BGH, judgment of 17.07.2013 - I ZR 129/08 - UsedSoft II
Handelsblatt Legal Board
Comment on BGH, judgment of July 17, 2013 - I ZR 129/08 - UsedSoft II
WRP 2014, 315
Legal framework of IPTV in: Youtube and its children
(2010, ed. Achim Beisswenger)
Leaders League (2024) recommends Alexandra Heÿn in the areas of trademark registration and trademark litigation.
Leaders League (2023) recommends Alexandra Heÿn in the areas of trademark registration and trademark litigation.